Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Great Reason to Throw a Party

Wildflower Centerpieces

Last week was my friends Anne & Harvey Jessup's 35 wedding anniversary. Their big bash was Saturday and it was fabulously fun. So much time and prep was done by all. There was a large hole dug for the pit roast (i can't take any credit here), dance floor constructed (or here), awnings hoisted (or here), centerpieces arranged, and food cooked. I really enjoyed being able to see so many old friends that attended the party. There was plenty of two-steppin' and enough grub to feed and drown an army.

Six Devils Food Chocolate Cakes are hidden under that whipped cream

Kramer is diabetic..we couldn't risk it

Moose meat mmmmm

The Jessup's Dancing

"What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?"
~ George Eliot

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