Sunday, June 21, 2009

Land of the Midnight Sun

Happy summer solstice! Today is the longest day of the year, and in the Yukon that means full sunlight for just over 19 hours. The sun 'rose' at approximately 4:30 a.m. and will 'set' at around 11:30 p.m. The in between time will be dusky but not fully dark. Like right now, it is bright outside! Dark curtains a must.

There is a flip side: During the winter solstice on December 21 (the shortest day of the year), Whitehorse experiences about 5.5 hours of daylight. No bueno.

So I hope you are making the most of these long days. Carpe Diem!

"There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart."
~ Celia Thaxter

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